
Mycetophagus piceus

This was slightly tricky to key. For starters the antennae broadened so gradually I could barely see it as a club and once I figured it was I wasn't convinced about which segments were meant to be included in the "club" and which weren't. I couldn't find its maxillary palps to check that character (it seemed to have got a bit damaged between photographing it live and examining the specimen 2.5 years later) so relied on the heavy punctures on the pronotum to rule out populi. At 4.2mm size helped rule out quadripustulatus but once I got to piceus I was slightly put off by the description of dark antennomeres 7-10 - they were a shade darker than the others but only a little. After checking it came to piceus using Hackston too (I used Duff initially) and comparing with photos online I ended up satisfied the ID was correct.

Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus
Mycetophagus piceus showing pronotum, fore tarsus and antenna, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 17th June 2022

This one was examined at the same time as the one above and was slightly smaller. This one still had a maxillary palp so I could see that the apical segment wasn't wider than the penultimate one. The darker segments of the antennae contasted a bit more strongly this time. Both came to light, found in my garden moth trap.

Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus Mycetophagus piceus
Mycetophagus piceus showing pronotum, antenna and maxillary palp, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 12th July 2022