Megalinus glabratus
By 'Staph' standards this was reasonably straightforward to key using Mike Hackston's keys. I had a little trouble when I got to the Xantholinini tribe key where at the second couplet I had to choose between, "Head with four longitudinal impressions in front, two running back from the base of each antenna and two obliquely from the front of the eyes." and "Head with two longitudinal impressions in front" - my beetle seemed to match the first description perfectly but the size range given for this option was way out. The other character in this couplet, the relative size of the last two segments of the maxillary palps, didn't help - the final segment was quite obviously narrower but "much" narrower seemed a bit too strong. In the end I tried both routes and quickly hit a dead end taking the "four longitudinal impressions but far too small" route and a smooth path to a common species taking the "two impressions and big enough" route. My only slight quibble after that was the description of the elytral puncturing as confused - clearly not 3 longitudinal rows which the alternative required (this option was far too small anyway) but although the elytral punctures were largely 'confused' there was at least one clear longitudinal line of punctures, so it wasn't entirely confused.
Megalinus glabratus showing close ups of front of head, maxillary palps, pronotum, head and elytra, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 29th October to 2nd November 2022