
Longitarsus anchusae

These were 2 of at least 6 similar-looking flea beetles swept off Common Gromwell. They keyed to anchusae really easily. It helped having very recently examined a parvulus with its much more prominent humeral angles, so there was no question about which way to go there (though I'm not sure there would have been too much problem anyway). The lateral bulge in the apical third of the elytra was easy enough to see so long as the beetle was held at the right angle. I wasn't really in any doubt but as I had the specimens it made sense to check the genitalia; both were females and they have a really distinctive spermatheca.

In the photos below, the first photo of each pair was one beetle and the second of each pair was the other beetle.

Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae Longitarsus anchusae
2x female Longitarsus anchusae showing humeral angles (or lack of), elytral bulge, antennal bases and spermathecae, Foulden Common (Norfolk, UK), 27th May 2023