
Graptus triguttatus

Described as local, this species apparently has an association with Ribwort Plantain.

These two were found together in a pitfall trap in a small meadow. They were keyed but the V-shaped pale marking and the pair of smaller pale markings on the elytra are characteristic of this species.

Graptus triguttatus Graptus triguttatus Graptus triguttatus Graptus triguttatus
2x Graptus triguttatus, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 2nd to 12th November 2022 (first two photos show one individual and the second two photos show the other individual)

This one was from the same pitfall trap a little later.

Graptus triguttatus Graptus triguttatus
2x Graptus triguttatus, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 12th November to 9th December 2022