
Common Dor Beetle Geotrupes stercorarius

When I examined this I identified it as Woodland Dor Beetle Anoplotrupes stercorosus, but looking back at the photos I'm pretty sure I got that wrong. I can't really make out enough detail on the hind tibial keels but I don't think the almost smooth pronotum either side of the central furrow fits sterocorosus. I think it's got to be a Geotrupes, though I'm happy to be corrected if anyone disagrees. The mandibles are shown reasonably clearly in the photos and if I'm right about it being Geotrupes, then based on the shape of these (and the presence of only 7 striae before the humeral protuberances) it has to be Geotrupes stercorarius.

Geotrupes stercorarius Geotrupes stercorarius Geotrupes stercorarius Geotrupes stercorarius Geotrupes stercorarius
male Common Dumble Dor Geotrupes spiniger showing mandibles from below, between Carsaig and Rubha Dubh, Mull (Argyll & Bute, UK), 10th June 2019