
Ernobius mollis

This is the commonest member of the genus.

Although I'd caught this one three years prior, I examined it at the same time an Ernobius pini that I caught in 2023. This provided a good opportunity to compare the finer details. I was unable to discern the difference in pronotal texture that are described in the Hackston key (and www.coleonet.de) but the other differences described there and in Duff all checked out. This was substantially larger and a fair bit paler than the pini but mollis is descibed as variable and the size range is very large, so I don't imagine that would be sufficient for ID - details of the tarsomeres, fore tibia and genitalia clinched the IDs. Not mentioned in any of these references (probably because it's not needed), but a bit that came out with the aedeagus also differed from the equivalent bit of the pini - I'm not sure what this bit is though, maybe one of the internal apical tergites or sternites?

Ernobius mollis Ernobius mollis Ernobius mollis Ernobius mollis Ernobius mollis
Ernobius mollis showing hind tibia, front tarsus, aedeagus and a bit that came out with the genitalia, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 8th August 2020