Epuraea unicolor/biguttata
According to Duff, Epuraea unicolor was incorrectly synonymised with Epuraea biguttata in 2006 and so records from between 2006 and 2020 referring to biguttata may in fact relate to unicolor.This one was identified as biguttata using Hackston's key before the two species were re-split. At time of writing Hackston's key still doesn't include unicolor (although it does feature in the list of species at the start of the key). According to Duff the two species are separated with reference to the male genitalia and as this was not dissected it cannot be determined with certainty. My understanding is that unicolor is much the commoner of the two species. This one came to light in my garden.
Epuraea unicolor (or Epuraea biguttata), North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 11th March 2017
This one was identified using Hackston's key as Epuraea silacea, but on reviewing the record in 2025 I think this must be incorrect - comparing with Duff and various photos online I don't think the shape of the elytra or the shape of the antennal club are proportionately broad enough for silacea. I would have ended up here after interpreting the antennal club as the same colour as the central section or with only the apical segment blackish. In fact I think only the basal segment of the club is completely concolorous with the central part and both the middle and apical segments are slightly darker. This pattern appears to match several photos of unicolor online. I think it keys to - and looks like - either Epuraea unicolor or Epuraea biguttata but as it was not dissected I cannot be certain which it was. This was one of two similar beetles beaten from flowers (Hawthorn from memory).
Epuraea unicolor (or Eperaea biguttata), Bittering (Norfolk, UK), 13th April 2018