
Dorytomus dejeani

This individual came to LED lights in an area with a lot of Aspen. I suspected it might be this species based on comparison of images but keyed it out to be sure. It keyed fairly straightforwardly, although there were one or two points in the genus key where I was a bit doubtful. Although I would have (correctly) described the tarsal claws as simple, they were slightly widened at the base so I wasn't quite sure if I shouldn't choose the option that included "expanded basally". That option seemed to lead to a dead end which allowed me to pursue the "simple" option more confidently.

Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani Dorytomus dejeani
Dorytomus dejeani showing head from above, tarsal claw, prosternum (ventral & side views), rostrum from side, antenna and fore tibia, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 19th March 2024