
Birch Leaf Roller Deporaus betulae

Although both the vernacular and scientific names suggest an association with birches, this species is also found on alder and hazel (the one shown below was on hazel).

Once I'd figured out that Unwin's family key (which I used to get this to family) didn't split Rhynchitidae from Attelabidae, whereas Duff (which I used to get it to species) does, this keyed reasonably simply. The hardest bit was telling genus Deporaus from genus Caenorhinus as some of the characters were relatively hard to see or judge. The relative length of the tarsal segments (shown below) was easiest to see under the microscope.

Deporaus betulae Deporaus betulae Deporaus betulae
Birch Leaf Roller Deporaus betulae showing rear tarsus, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 14th May 2022