
Cantharis pellucida

For some reason this is a species that I overlooked or misidentified a few times in the past.

Most of these were found at light.

Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis pellucida, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 9th May 2022

Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis pellucida, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 21st May 2023

Cantharis pellucida Cantharis pellucida
2x Cantharis pellucida, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 2nd June 2021

Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis pellucida, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 31st May 2019

The following two photos were lurking among my photos of Cantharis nigricans and had been identified as such. Looking at them now, with a bit more experience under my belt, I think they are in fact pellicuda. The lack of dark markings on the pronotum probably isn't diagnostic, and one appears to show the paler elytra of nigricans, however both appear to have less extensive black on the hind femora tips than on nigricans, both appear to have at least a dark line along the front tibia and both appear to have dark mid tibia. The fact that the antennae are dark from the third segment may also be a supporting character but I don't think this is diagnostic - there are more red segments on most of my nigricans but not all of them - a minority are similar to this.

Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis pellucida, Bunker's Hill (Norfolk, UK), 8th June 2015

Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis pellucida, Hills & Holes (Norfolk, UK), 7th May 2017