
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus

I would have identified this one using Mike Hackston's key.

Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows (Norfolk, UK), 7th August 2020

The individual below was attracted to light in a mainly deciduous wood but there were a few scattered conifers and historically I gather there have been a lot of larch trees here (many now removed but a few still present). I was not aware of any fires having occurred here but I initially identified it as a Burnt Pine Longhorn Arhopalus ferus based on my assessment of the four characters Duff uses to separate this from the much commoner Arhopalus rusticus, supported by comments in the Hackston key which allayed my concern about the eye hairs. However, having now examined another Arhopalus and investigated it further (the photos at the Beetles of Europe website were especially helpful), I think the keys do not describe the differences in the tarsomeres precisely or accurately enough and both specimens, including the one I originally identified as ferus, are in fact the much commoner rusticus.

1Wang, Q & Leschen, R A B, 2003. Identification and distribution of Arhopalus species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Aseminae) in Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist 26: 53-59

Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus showing hind tarsomere 3 (2 views), elytral apical angles, labrum and eye (2 views), Sporle Wood (Norfolk, UK), 27th July 2023

This was the one I examined more recently that helped resolve the ID of the one above.

Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus showing hind tarsomere 3 (4 views including both the tarsomere from both legs), elytral apices and labrum, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 11th July 2022

I don't recall having particular challenges with these ones which I'm pretty sure would have been identified using Hackston.

Arhopalus rusticus Arhopalus rusticus
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus, Holt Country Park (Norfolk, UK), 1st July 2017

Arhopalus rusticus
Dusky Longhorn Beetle Arhopalus rusticus, Swanton Great Wood (Norfolk, UK), 27th August 2019