
Apion frumentarium

This came to light. The all red body and legs is distinctive of genus Apion (if using Duff to key the genus you also need to see that the sutural striae don't reach the base of the elytra, but I don't think any species in other genera are red like this). The length of the fully-punctured temples clinches it as frumentarium. I hesitated slightly when it stretched out its head revealing that the rear of the head, sometimes hidden by the pronotum, was unpunctured with transverse wrinkles, but I think this is ok for frumentarium and it certainly has more extensive puncturing than Duff shows for haematodes.

According to my draft 'pan list' I have seen this species before and I do recall seeing a red Apion before, but I don't have any records listed in my database and I can't find any photos, so I'm not sure what happened to my previous one.

Apion frumentarium Apion frumentarium Apion frumentarium
Apion frumentarium showing head from above and side, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 21st March 2024