
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea

If using Hackston's key you need to establish that this has metallic elytra - this is obvious on some but on others I found that this wasn't always obvious when examining the specimen (a little more so when looking at the photos though - I wonder if it becomes less obvious after death?). On those where it wasn't clear across the whole elytra then the basal margin was more obviously metallic.

Amara aenea Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea showing close-up of pronotum base, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 21st June 2021

Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 22nd June 2021

Amara aenea Amara aenea
2x Common Sun Beetles Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 18th May 2023

Amara aenea Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 17th April 2023

Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 1st July 2018

On this one (which had obviously metallic elytra) the photos clearly show the tibia and tarsi are paler than the femora, but examining the specimen a few months later the legs appeared entirely black.

Amara aenea Amara aenea Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 9th May 2022

Amara aenea Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 4th July 2022

Amara aenea
Common Sun Beetle Amara aenea, North Elmham (Norfolk, UK), 4th May 2023