Tiso vagans
This was in a pitfall trap (in propylene glycol, so no live photos) along a beetle bank in an arable field. I showed the pedipalps photos to ObsIdentify to get a starting point and it suggested Tiso vagans. That didn't mean much as it had done so for the last spider I'd checked too, and that certainly wasn't Tiso vagans (in fact I've subsequently had ObsId suggest Tiso vagans for nearly every money spider pedipalps I've tried!). This was a bit more promising though - there were some significant similarities to the diagrams of Tiso vagans at the Spiders of Europe website (araneae.nmbe.ch) but I wasn't immediately convinced. The tibial apophysis was spot on and so too was the cymbium and the process at the base of the pedipalps (not sure what it's called) but I wasn't so sure about the rest of the pedipalps. After a bit more research I hadn't found anything better so I pulled one apart slightly and looked it at various angles and eventually satisfied myself that it was vagans after all.
male Tiso vagans showing carpace, tibial apophysis and pedipalps at various orientations, Wendling Beck Environment Project (Norfolk, UK), 29th to 31st March 2024