
Parasteatoda lunata

Formerly Achaearanea lunata.

This spider was a challenge to photograph - it kept curling itself up into a tight ball and the instant it uncurled it ran. I eventually managed to get some photos of it in a more relaxed state in the pot. Although the ObsIdentify app was 100% confident about this spider's ID (once I showed it the right photo - it had some strange ideas about the others...), the Britain's Spiders book suggests that certain ID of this genus (as Achaearanea there) depends on examination of genitalia. I managed to get a photo of the epigyne through the glass pot while it was alive - not the sharpest photo but the shape appears to be correct for lunata.

Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata Parasteatoda lunata
female Parasteatoda lunata showing epigyne, near Gressenhall (Norfolk, UK), 2nd June 2022