
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis

A rare visitor to the UK, usually arriving with flocks of wild geese. The species is also very popular in wildfowl collections and escaped birds confuse the true status of this species in Britain.

Just a few photos here for now (a mix of presumed wild birds and captive ones) - I have more to add in due course...

Red-breasted Geese Red-breasted Geese Red-breasted Geese Red-breasted Geese
Red-breasted Geese (with Dark-bellied Brent Geese), Wells (Norfolk, UK), 14th March 2007

Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Goose
captive Red-breasted Goose, Blakeney Quay collection (Norfolk, UK), 23rd December 2015

Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Goose
captive Red-breasted Goose, Martin Mere (Lancashire, UK), 26th December 2014

Red-breasted Goose
captive Red-breasted Goose, Blakeney Quay collection (Norfolk, UK), 17th March 2019

Red-breasted Goose
captive Red-breasted Goose, Blakeney Quay collection (Norfolk, UK), 18th March 2019

Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Goose
Red-breasted Goose, between Brancaster and Docking (Norfolk, UK), 20th December 2016