
Wildlife at the North Elmham Cathedral Meadows


Species recorded since April 2018: 2.

Coverage: poor: it might surprise readers familiar with the meadows to find any records of fish as apart from a small overgrown ditch at the bottom of North Field there is no fresh water here. However the recording area also includes the adjacent section of railway and animals seen from within the recording area are included. Next to the railway is a dyke and from the railway fish could be seen in this dyke on several occasions in spring 2020. Identification confidence is low - the author is a complete novice at fish identification, although every effort has been made to ensure the IDs below are correct.

All photos below were taken at the Cathedral Meadows.


Minnow Phoxinus phoxinus

Identified on one occasion, involving a shoal of around 30 fish in the dyke next to the railway.

Minnow, 8th April 2020

Chub Squalius cephalus

Identified on one occasion, as with the last species involving a shoal of around 30 fish in the dyke next to the railway.

Chub, 24th April 2020

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