
Wildlife at the North Elmham Cathedral Meadows


Species recorded since April 2018: 2.

Coverage: incomplete: Only a few records of any amphibian here. Although there aren’t many additional species that are likely (Smooth Newt Triturus vulgaris is perhaps most likely) there aren’t enough records of the two commoner species to formulate a clear picture of their occurrence here. Identification confidence is high - the two species recorded are easily differentiated.

All photos below were taken at the Cathedral Meadows.


Common Frog Rana temporaria

Occasionally encountered around the Cathedral Meadows, including a mix of daytime and nighttime records.

Common Frog
Common Frog, 23rd September 2020

Common Toad Bufo bufo

A handful of records, mostly seen at night time by torch-light.

Common Toad Common Toad
Common Toads, 26th June 2021 and 7th August 2020

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